Special Educational Needs Support

Special Educational Needs Support Previous item Kids Yoga

Special Educational Needs (SEN) Teachers work with children and young people who need extra support and guidance and teach them in a way that helps them reach their full potential.

Part of their role is to provide general schooling to students who struggle with a range of emotional, physical, and mental difficulties, including dyslexia and autism, to sensory processing difficulties and speech and language problems. A SEN Teacher could also work with students who are talented or gifted.

A SEN Teacher may help in the following ways:

    • Teach national curriculum subjects
    • Research and create lesson plans
    • Develop appropriate learning activities
    • Aid teaching with specialised learning equipment
    • Asses students’ progress and providing feedback
    • Coordinate treatment plan including other interventions (i.e speech and language therapy and occupational

    The SEN support can be in the form of:
    – Parent and Teacher Consultation
    – Individual classes

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