
About us

Discover your child’s full potential!

Rise Up Children’s Therapy Center aims to empower children and young adults with learning, development, motor and/or behavioural problems to overcome their difficulties and live a rich and fulfilling life.

We embrace a multidisciplinary approach by collaborating with experienced and specialised professionals such as child psychiatrists, psychologists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, kids yoga instructors and special educational needs teachers .

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Our vision is to create an adaptable supporting environment for toddlers, children, adolescents and parents.

Our goal is to provide high quality services for timely and reliable assessments and provide intervention for learning difficulties, speech, work and psychological support of the infant / child / adolescent, with respect to their personality.

At Rise Up we help children and young adults who present with any of the following:

  • Balance and coordination problems, poor gross, fine motor and oral motor control (eg clumsiness, difficulties climbing or hopping, trouble using a knife and fork, doing up buttons,brushing teeth, holding a pencil etc.).
  • Variable or low muscle tone, poor postural control and lack of strength.
  • Lack of attention and focus, or hyperactivity.
  • Delays in speech and language (formation of words, tone of speech, appropriate use of language).
  • Poor organisation and planning (untidy, forgetful, difficulties starting and keeping on task).
  • Over or under sensitivity to touch, movement, sights or sounds (eg fixations on or avoidance of certain sounds, sights, smells etc.).
  • Difficulty with social participation and interaction.
  • Poor self esteem, anxiety or depression.
  • Insomnia.
  • Behaviour difficulties.
  • Difficulties with self-help and life skills such as toileting, washing, diary planning, etc.

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