Gloria Vracha – Head Occupational Therapist

Gloria always had a passion for helping individuals to overcome obstacles and be as independent as possible. Her occupational therapy journey began in 2008 at Brunel University where she had the opportunity to explore the different fields of OT, from peadiatrics to neurological rehabilitation and mental health settings. Her passion in paediatrics arose during a practice placement at a special education school in London, followed by working at a private occupational therapy practice in London in 2014. She worked at Hopscotch Children’s Therapy Center with Dimitrios Mylonadis, where she was given the opportunity to develop professionally in the field of providing specialised occupational therapy services to children with psychomotor difficulties, neurodevelopmental disorders, Autism, pervasive and non-pervasive developmental disorders, neurological disorders, cerebral palsy, ADHD, mental health, learning difficulties and sensory processing disorders. Her intensive experience gained working in London brought the idea to create her own therapeutic center in Cyprus. In 2018, she opened up a therapy center in Nicosia, continuing to work with the same intervention model.


Gloria has participated in a series of training seminars and conferences in the context of continuing professional development. She has been trained in Sensory Integration Therapy by the Sensory Integration Network Uk and Ireland, earning the title of Advanced Sensory Integration Practitioner. She has been trained in the therapeutic approaches MORE, Dysgraphia – Evaluation and Intervention, Baby Sensory Integration Therapy and in the assessment tool Sensory Integration and Praxis Test (SIPT – Ayres, A.J. 1989). Gloria has been a clinical practice educator at the European University Cyprus since 2018 and is a marker at Sensory Integration Education (UK & Ireland).


She is the director of the center and a member of the Cypriot and British Association of Occupational Therapists.

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